Granada House

Name of Agency:
Granada House, Inc.
Program Type:
Residential Rehabilitation Facility (Recovery home, Halfway house), Co-ed.
overlapping colorful shapes that emulate people holding hands. recovery homes collaborative logo

Mission Statement

The Granada House mission is to help residents live productively and achieve long term recovery. We use a holistic approach; physical, mental, and spiritual with a strong emphasis on social inclusion with regards to racial, ethnic, socio-economic status, disability, health, and sexual orientation. Ours is a dynamic, nurturing community that responds to individual needs, as it endorses mutual understanding and respect.

About Us

Granada House, a Massachusetts not-for-profit organization incorporated in 1982. The purpose of the organization is to provide residential-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation support services in the greater Boston Massachusetts area. The organization’s programs provide a structured rehabilitation environment for individuals recovering from addiction. The programs provided include men’s and women’s support groups, individual and group counseling, positive parenting, vocational and educational rehabilitation, health education and critical supports needed to ensure a successful path to addiction recovery. The Organization also provides transitional housing to provide extended supports as individuals work to successfully manage sobriety.

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Admission Criteria

Please ensure that the Applicant meets the Granada House Admission Criteria prior to downloading the Referral Form (links at the bottom of the page).

Granada House complies with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws and equally evaluates all potential admissions regardless of the source of payment, and does not deny admission on the basis of disability, race, color, ethnicity, religious creed, national origin, history of criminal conviction, mental health diagnoses, type of primary substance used, prescribed medications, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, genetic information, ancestry, or status as a veteran.

To be eligible for placement consideration at Granada House, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Is a Massachusetts resident and at least 18 years old;
  • Have a diagnosis of substance use disorder;
  • Have been substance free for at least 5 days;
  • Be mentally/physically stable, does not pose a risk to self or others and have a no history of such behaviors;
  • Be able to participate in the Granada House treatment program/house rules and abide by the personal/professional boundaries within a co-ed setting;
  • Be able to successfully complete the self-preservation test;
  • Have no personal circumstances/obligations preventing him or her from fulfilling treatment expectations (such as work, attend groups, chores, curfew etc.);
  • Is not currently infected with TB;
  • Is medically cleared per ASAM Dimension 1.
mother and son embracing and smiling

Referral Process

Applicant’s Case Manager will send the referral form (download links below) with attachments ) as well as a Bio Psych Social, Medication List, and Tuberculosis Screening to Granada House by email:

Granada House Clinical Director will review the referral form and, if necessary, ask for additional documents by an email or a phone call;

If deemed appropriate for placement, the Case Manager/Applicant will be contacted by the Intake Coordinator to schedule a phone screen and later informed that the Applicant is placed on Granada House Waitlist;

After placement on the Waitlist, the Applicant is to check-in daily by calling our main line (617) 254-2923 x1 and leave a message;

When space becomes available, Applicant/Case Manager will be informed of the date/time of intake.

For any questions, please call our main line, (617) 254-2923 and select the option to speak with appropriate staff.

Admission Contact

Referral by Email: To make a referral by email, please download the ‘Granada Referral Form – Fillable’ by clicking the link below. After you complete the form, please email it to The form is also available on the Referrals page at