We open the door to hope, recovery, and community for individuals and families facing homelessness, addiction, or other chronic health conditions.
A recovery program for people living with chronic health conditions, recovering from substance use disorders, and who have a history of chronic relapse. Many of the men and women served are also actively homeless.
Victory Programs, Inc. does not discriminate against clients or client applicants for admission because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status.
In order to be considered for admission to Victory Programs, Inc. clients:
Interviews are not necessary for admission to Victory Programs, Inc. If a potential client is interested in an interview or a tour of the program, both can be arranged through the Intake Coordinator.
Fax a completed referral form to: (617) 456-1217.
Email: intakerecovery@vpi.org
Phone: (617) 288-1272